متطلبات السكربت :
SERVER LINUX: VPS or Shared Hosting
PHP 5+, CGI BIN, MySQL 4+, cUrl, Apache web server
Functions "php_exec" and curl_exec should be activated.
.htaccess files support [http://www.tutorio.com/tutorial/enab...ite-on-apache]
طريقة التنصيب :
STEP 1 - Giving Permissions
- chmod 755 cgi-bin and /cgi-bin/upload.cgi
- chmod 777 uploads and cookies
- chmod 777 /include/configs
- chmod 777 /include/configs/config_mysql.php
- chmod 777 /includes/db.inc.php
STEP 2 - Run the install
Run the install on the browser using the follwoing link and proceed in the steps :
http://YOURSITE.com/install/STEP 3 - Edit Config File / Mirrors
Edit file includes/configs.inc.php with all requered info.
Edit mirrors files at /mirrors folder to add your account details for each mirror.
اي من متطلبات السكربت لا تعمل لن يعمل السكربت ابدا
لمعاينة السكربت :
www.sharemirrors.com تحميل السكربت من هنا